Sponsorplan GmbH
Föhringer Allee 6
85774 Unterföhring
T. +49 (0)89/80 99 126 0
Registration Office: District Court Munich, Germany
Registration Number: HRB 192578
VAT ID: DE 277 658 266
Responsible for content: Johanna Bormann and Peter Mruk
Concept and implementation: Sponsorplan GmbH
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Photo Credits
The images within our "Expertise" menue were kindly provided by our clients and partners.
Allianz SE
Allianz Deutschland AG
TeamBank AG / Daniel Weigl
Rasenballsport Leipzig GmbH
Osram AG
Merck Finck & Co Privatbankiers
Jambo Bukoba e.V.
Lieven Coudenys (Allianz & IPC: Eröffnungsfeier Paralympische Sommerspiele London 2012)
ARGE Hamburg 2024 – PROPROJEKT / AS&P, Visualisierung HHVision (Candidate City Bid Commitee: Marco-Polo-Terrassen Hamburg 2024)
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